How to Run Combat in Fantasy Imperium
Fast, deadly combat that only takes 20 minutes!
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Hit Probability
Hit Location Chart
Every round of combat:
- Roll initiativefor everyone, giving all of the antagonists a generic -6 and 65% skill.
- Place a die or write the initiative numbers downnext to the miniatures.
- Thehighest initiative chooses an action first.
- When someone is attacked, they may go immediately, no matter what their initiative roll was. Usually, a defense is chosen.
When a player gets hit, he has three options:
- Parrywith a shield or weapon (weapon parry is one half the skill plus “parry”).
- Dodge(forfeit ability to attack next round).
- Parry & Attack(counterattack). Both suffer a penalty of -25%.
Important things to remember:
- Combat actions are not simultaneous.
Also, you can only defend if you know an attack is coming!
- Only one action may be chosen each round (attack or defense).
– You may choose to do both (Attack & Parry or Parry & Attack)
at a -25% penalty to both actions. – You may choose to Attack, and hold a parry for later in the round, but you still suffer the -25% penalty to both actions.
– Most players choose the Parry & Attack, or the Attack & Parry (when going first)
- If attacked after you have taken an action, you may borrow a dodge maneuver from next round (forfeiting the ability to attack for two rounds).
- After someone has been attacked, anyone else trying to attack that same person will suffer a penalty of -25% to hit.
If an attack is aimed at the head, the defender gains +25% to parry.
- Don’t worry about the total hits an antagonist sustains.
Instead concentrate on wound levels:
Wound Levels
Hits Location Result w/Failed Shock
1-4 Any – Stun 1 round
5 Any -25% Stun 1d3 rounds
10 Head Knock Out –
20 Head Kill –
10 Body Stun 1 round Stun 1d6 rounds
15 Body Stun 2 rounds Stun 2d6 rounds
20 Body Stun 3 rounds Stun 3d6 rounds
- If a 5 point woundis sustained, the person will suffer -25% to all actions.
- Fatigue is usually not calculated for small battles, since it will most likely be over before anyone gets too tired.
- Traumais usually not calculated for the antagonists, unless fighting a special kind of adversary that is hard to take down (like an armoured knight or an ogre).
- Bloodlossis calculated after combat.
- Ask what the player is aiming for
(head, body, arm, leg) when attacking. - If you move, you suffer a penalty to attack, parry & dodge:
3” -10% 4” -20% 8” -30%
- 5 Luck pointsshould be used to save a character’s life if he is killed.
- Waitingwill give you a bonus of +5 to your initiative in the following round.
- If you roll too low, you will damage your weapon (-1d6 after this attack).
If you damage a weapon, there is a 25% chance it will break if it is iron, and a 10% chance if it is steel.
If you roll too high (over 95%) when shooting a bow, you will break your bowstring (90%) or bow (10%).
When a hit is scored:
- Roll percentile dice for the exact location to determine extra damage.
- If a missile weapon was used, then don’t choose a general location and roll twice on the hit location table (p398).
- Roll the number of dice indicated for the weapon, adding the extra dice (of another colour) indicated for the location of the strike.
- Subtract the armour value from the hits, and if penetration occurs, add the extra dice of damage.
- Determine what kind of wound it is and apply the results (stun, knock out or kill).
- When a character dodges, he can dodge all attacks aimed at him during the round.
- Roll once for all of them, unless the attacks occur far apart in real time (and you forgot what you rolled).
- If you dodge, you cannot attack in the next round (you can still defend).
- If you have already taken an action and want to borrow a dodge from the following round, then you can’t attack for the next two rounds, since next round you will be considered to be dodging.If someone attacks you next round, you can dodge.
- You can make separate dodge rolls (one for each attack), if you want, instead of rolling once.
For example:
One person attacks my character, rolls a 43% (since his skill is 65% he hits). I decide to dodge. I have to roll under 43%. If at a later time in the combat round, someone else attacks me, I can dodge again with a different roll (unless I remember what I rolled). Otherwise, let’s say two people attack me right after each other. One person rolls a 43, and the other rolls a 57. I roll once to dodge them both, and if I roll under both, I dodge them both. If I roll between the numbers, one of them hits me.
- You can control how fast a combat will beby what kinds of equipment you give the antagonists. For instance, if you want a fast engagement with many opponents, then don’t give them any armour or helmets! If you want an important villain to have resilience, then give him some decent armour and a helmet.
- Shield skillsare very important in the game, since you can last a long time by simply parrying attacks aimed at you with your shield.
- Choose your actions wisely.You can use tactics to win a fight. For instance, if you wait for an opponent to attack you can then try a counterattack (Parry & Attack), aiming at his head. Since he has already taken an action, his only option will be to borrow a dodge from the following round.
- If you want to disable an opponentwithout killing him, simply aim for his arms or legs. You can also try a Disarm maneuver.